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"Democracy In Housing & Justice for all"


To Everything There is a Standard - Let ours be G.O.L.D.


In the latter part of 2019, the world was stricken with one of the most horrific pandemics in modern times - COVID. In 2020, America was faced with civil unrest following the Presidential elections. This brought light to judicial misconduct that threatened democracy and placed inequality in the fore front despite the efforts of various organizations pushing for DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION in their practices and leadership; efforts that many thought that would unify us in our humanity versus further dividing us in principle and ideology on which the United States was founded. Now, truths we once held to be self evident seem to have become irrelevant, but not for the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) - Memphis Chapter. To everything there is a standard. Let ours be G.O.L.D.

Daryl Lewis
26th Chapter President

As the incoming President, it is my intention to build upon the past works and planning of President Wonda McGowan to sustain our mission to fight for 'DEMOCRACY IN HOUSING. We must continue to restore, rebuild, and renew it in the respect upon which the organization was founded, and moreover to fight for 'JUSTICE FOR ALL' in what we do.


For this administration, Democracy in Housing is not just a principle or idea that should be upheld. It is a Call to Action in which the justice sought to identify housing as the focal point for URBAN CORE DEVELOPMENT to which we seek to provide solutions that positively impact Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in our efforts: Economic Stability, Neighborhood & Physical Environment, Education, Food, Community Safety and Social Context, and Healthcare System.


We know that these issues are not only common to Memphis and Shelby County, and the Tennessee Chapters are bonding together in action to make certain that if no where else in the country that democracy and justice will prevail in Tennessee with the assistance of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and our partners sponsoring our causes. "Democracy in Housing and Justice for All will ring loudly and lit brightly in Tennessee displayed by Leadership, Integrity, Transparency, and the spirit of Excellence in our service over the next two years.


We thank you for your membership, confidence, engagement, and treasure in support of all we do to uphold the G.O.L.D. Standard - The Gift of Loving Devotion the causes of humanity and uplift of the human spirit.


"There is always time to do the right thing." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



1661 International Drive, Suite 400, Memphis, TN 38120

t. 901-502-5894


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NAREB Memphis is a Tennessee chartered, nonprofit, 501 (c) 6 organization. Established August 28, 1969

©2020 by NAREB Memphis Realtist a Chapter of the National Association of Real-Estate Brokers (NAREB).

Proudly designed by MPJ Creative Media.

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